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michael Brandt michael Brandt wrote on August 18, 2021 at 3:11 pm
Just finished reading "The Winged Pharaoh" the other day. I´ve had this masterpiece lying around for decades, only glancing the story in bits and pieces until last week when I finally decided to read it in its entirety. I, being a fan of anything historical, especially the ancient world, was amazed by the author´s sense of story telling which is unlike anything I have come across. Her tale simply swept me away; the way she made everything come alive in such vivid detail; the way of life in the 1st dynasty of ancient Egypt; her portrayal of characters painted in such poetic pictures that can only stem from someone actually being there. Her account of her own death toward the end of her life, had me in tears.I can truly say, that no other author has ever put so much wisdom in her works as Joan Grant did. I salute her, whether she be in the spirit realm of now, or walk amongst us, clothed in a new body.
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