‘…Throughout her life – Joan would say with conviction, “Throughout her many lives” – she has been preoccupied with the subject of ethics. By this she means that fundamental and timeless code of attitudes and behaviour to one another on which the health of the individual and of society depends.’
– Denys Kelsey, in 1980 introduction to Arno Press collected works edition of Joan Grant’s books.
‘Looking back to my childhood or down a vista of millennia, I see no change in the basic principles of benign living. What are these basic principles?
- That every individual is entirely responsible for their behaviour, and for their reaction to circumstance
- That physical age is irrelevant.
- That labels of rank, or class, or nationality, or race, or creed, or sex are so transitory that in the long run they are trivial.
- And that character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become loveable.
‘These basic principles are implicit in a belief in reincarnation and it is the privilege of all of us to help each other to put them into practice.’
– Joan Grant